Understanding Corporate Citizenship
- Role of business in society locally and globally
- Drivers of citizenship locally and globally
- Define citizenship expectations (values and beyond)
- Role of citizenship in accomplishing business goals
- Examples of strategic corporate citizenship
Effective Stakeholder Engagement
- Matrix for defining business importance of a facility versus
community impact - Decide perception performance level (80%, 60%, or less positive
perception) - Decide public affairs organization model
- List and prioritize stakeholder groups
- Use of surveys and other tools in defining and managing stakeholder relationships
- Create a strategic plan in support of business goals
- Use of strategic messages
Stakeholder Engagement Processes and Tools
- Community Advisory Panel
- Strategic Use of Intranet and Internet
- Public Report
- Strategic Philanthropy
- Strategies for Managing Through Conflict
- Integrating Government Affairs
- Issue Management Strategies
- Sustainable Stakeholder Practices
(leveraging the power of the Triple Bottom Line)